
Keep your vehicle running at its best with expert servicing.

Our team of qualified mechanics have extensive knowledge and experience in working with restored, custom-built and modified vehicles.

We use the latest tools and techniques to make sure that your vehicle is well looked after and running at its best.

We guarantee the use of modern approaches and tools when handling your vehicle so that you can be confident it’s receiving the utmost attention and care.

Get your vehicle serviced by an experienced team:

Our basic car servicing includes comprehensive checks, oil changes, and other maintenance services. Our qualified mechanics will ensure that your vehicle is running smoothly and safely.

We can help ensure that your classic vehicle is in perfect condition, making sure that it performs at its peak.

Our experienced technicians have the knowledge and skills to keep your dream vehicle running at peak performance.

We’re experienced in servicing modified vehicles and can help ensure that your vehicle is running safely and at its best.

Our team of highly-skilled technicians are here to help you optimise the performance of your car.

With our commitment to quality service and excellent customer care, we will ensure that your vehicle is in top condition for years to come.

See our recent servicing projects

Holden EK Series Ute

Service your vehicle with Resto Pros

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